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PlusLife NAAT Testing
Resources for PlusLife at home NAAT testing, comparable to PCR.
How n95s Work
The physics of N95s are interesting and simple to understand. Here’s how:
- Clean Air
Air Quality Index
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From MERV to HEPA - what does it all mean?
DIY Air Purifiers and Impacts
How to Build your own DIY Air Purifier for Cleaner Air.
- Projects
(Safe Access to Facilities and Essential Resources)A global directory of businesses, schools, medical providers, restaurants, and other facilities committed to addressing airborne diseases and global health challengesLearn MoreCARE for Long COVID
(Conversational AI for Research and Engagement)Tailored connections to clinical trials, specialists, and verified therapies, while leveraging both anecdotal experiences and scientific data for Long COVID using a cutting-edge conversational AI platformLearn MoreCLEAR
(COVID Learning & Engagement with Academic Research)Innovative conversational AI and NLP platform dedicated exclusively to disseminating verified and referencable peer-reviewed research on SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19Learn MoreAIRWISE
(Airflow Infection Risk With Innovative Simulation Engine)Interactive, science-based simulation tool using gaming engines and computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-inspired modeling for predictive scenario analysis of COVID and clean air.Learn MoreWe have a number of other projects we’re formulating and intend to publish soon involving educational toolkits for schools, community centers, and others.
- About
Our Mission
Our mission is to unify global public health efforts, breaking down silos to enhance air quality through emerging technology. We design repurposable, accessible solutions that address clean air, Long COVID, COVID-19, and airborne pathogens, ensuring impactful and scalable public health innovations.
Board Of Directors
Ian Goodfellow
Principal Scientist at Google Brain and inventor of AI GAN networks.Ziyad Al-Aly
Leading Long COVID researcher, clinical epidemiologist at Washington University in St. LouisPhillip Alvelda
Leader in AI healthcare, pioneer in the field of mobile TV, DARPA program manager - News
Study finds triple number of Long Covid cases
Previous diagnostic studies estimated that 7 percent of the population suffers from long COVID.
COVID-19 Leaves Its Mark on the Brain. Significant Drops in IQ Scores Are Noted
Research shows that even mild COVID-19 can lead to the equivalent of seven years of brain aging
Repeat COVID-19 infections increase risk of organ failure, death
Researchers recommend masks, vaccines, vigilance to prevent reinfection
- Merch
Mask Blocs
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NCBI Search
Search 400,000+ Publications
Safe Locations
Search directories of locations who are covid aware - Coming Soon
PlusLife NAAT Testing
Resources for PlusLife at home NAAT testing, comparable to PCR.
How n95s Work
The physics of N95s are interesting and simple to understand. Here’s how:
- Clean Air
Air Quality Index
Check your local AQI
CADR Calculator
Find your ideal Air Exchange Rate
Filter Guide
From MERV to HEPA - what does it all mean?
DIY Air Purifiers and Impacts
How to Build your own DIY Air Purifier for Cleaner Air.
- Projects
(Safe Access to Facilities and Essential Resources)A global directory of businesses, schools, medical providers, restaurants, and other facilities committed to addressing airborne diseases and global health challengesLearn MoreCARE for Long COVID
(Conversational AI for Research and Engagement)Tailored connections to clinical trials, specialists, and verified therapies, while leveraging both anecdotal experiences and scientific data for Long COVID using a cutting-edge conversational AI platformLearn MoreCLEAR
(COVID Learning & Engagement with Academic Research)Innovative conversational AI and NLP platform dedicated exclusively to disseminating verified and referencable peer-reviewed research on SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19Learn MoreAIRWISE
(Airflow Infection Risk With Innovative Simulation Engine)Interactive, science-based simulation tool using gaming engines and computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-inspired modeling for predictive scenario analysis of COVID and clean air.Learn MoreWe have a number of other projects we’re formulating and intend to publish soon involving educational toolkits for schools, community centers, and others.
- About
Our Mission
Our mission is to unify global public health efforts, breaking down silos to enhance air quality through emerging technology. We design repurposable, accessible solutions that address clean air, Long COVID, COVID-19, and airborne pathogens, ensuring impactful and scalable public health innovations.
Board Of Directors
Ian Goodfellow
Principal Scientist at Google Brain and inventor of AI GAN networks.Ziyad Al-Aly
Leading Long COVID researcher, clinical epidemiologist at Washington University in St. LouisPhillip Alvelda
Leader in AI healthcare, pioneer in the field of mobile TV, DARPA program manager - News
Study finds triple number of Long Covid cases
Previous diagnostic studies estimated that 7 percent of the population suffers from long COVID.
COVID-19 Leaves Its Mark on the Brain. Significant Drops in IQ Scores Are Noted
Research shows that even mild COVID-19 can lead to the equivalent of seven years of brain aging
Repeat COVID-19 infections increase risk of organ failure, death
Researchers recommend masks, vaccines, vigilance to prevent reinfection
- Merch